Friday, June 02, 2006

They're multiplying

About 20 years ago, there was this really strange movie called The Red Balloon which, if I remember correctly, just showed a red balloon floating around Paris accompanied by funky French musak. Though not high-art, it was quaint and cute, and I had to watch it all three years I took French.

Really, this has nothing to do with it, but I think I'm being followed by PINK BALLOONS! Last night, as I was leaving home to meet my softball team, I almost ran over a pink balloon in my neighborhood. Then, another appeared at the Bay Café. Incredibly, this morning there yet was another one in the parking lot at work!

Each time I see one, it's by itself, and no one will acknowledge that they've brought the balloon to the location. Also, I'm the only one who seems to notice that it's there. It's possible that the others are noticing the balloon, but haven't attached any significance to it because it's not the third one that they've seen in less than 24 hours.

I'm pretty sure it's not the same balloon, because, well, that would be weird. However, I'm a little disconcerted by the whole experience. Is it possible that the pink balloon has replaced wiretapping as the government's new and exciting way of tracking everything we're doing, and I'm the only one who's noticed?

I'll keep you guys posted as more appear....

1 comment:

Dr. Health said...

Also, I'm the only one who seems to notice that it's there.