Monday, June 19, 2006

Front row views

Spent the weekend in NYC with the girls, and Jules and I went to see the hottest show on Broadway. In fact, it's so hot that three NYFD trucks showed up while we were in line for tickets. Ok, ok, so MAYBE it turned out that there was a problem with a fan belt in the air conditioning system, and maybe most of the firemen who showed up weren't exactly calendar candidates, but it was enough for the following conversation to occur between Cassie and myself.
Me: Hey! We're in line for tickets. Oooooh firemen!
Cassie: What?
Me: [to Julia] Quick, go take that one's picture. Take the picture! [to Cass] We're in line for tickets to the Wedding Singer. Building on fire. Hot boys. Got a student ID?
Cassie: Um no...
Me: Well, I've got one. So, you may. Oooh hot boys!! So no interest in the show?
Cassie: No, that's ok.

According to Cass, I wasn't even that coherent. But nonetheless, my GW ID looks just enough like me that I could score two front row tickets for The Wedding Singer for the low-low price of $26.25.

That night, we headed over to the show. The boys sweated on us (a "feature" according to the crazy chick in front of us in line), and a few lines were sprayed, but we didn't really appreciate the front row until the last 30-seconds of the show.

Well, that wasn't really a feature either. In fact, I'm pretty sure the parents of the eight year old (VERY WELL BEHAVED) sitting behind us had quite a bit of explaining to do on the way back to Boise.

See, every Broadway actress, especially those starring in "dancing shows" like TWS, is required to wear full, opaque panties called "spanks." The girl playing Julia (Laura Benanti), had unfortunately forgotten hers during the final costume change, and, to make matters worse, she was wearing a thong. The skirt didn't go high enough to make it visible to the entire theatre, but the first two or three rows got a full view of girly parts.

All in all, pretty cute show for $26.25. Could have done without the flashing, and it wasn't high art, but it really was a nice way to spend an evening.

1 comment:

Medic Blog said...

The boys sweated on us, and a few lines were
sprayed, but we didn't really appreciate the
front row until the last 30-seconds of the show.