Friday, June 02, 2006

Casual Fridays

I'm becoming more and more disturbed by the "Casual Fridays" clothing
choices of my co-workers. So far this morning I've seen:

1) The pink Hawaiian shirt and PINK pants ensemble that would have made
Liberace stand back and say "Hold up, nobody's that gay*!" That was the
guy in the parking lot (who, incidentally, I saw at almost the same time
that I saw the pink balloon).
2) The bright green Hawaiian shirt that I swear is glowing.
3) A new grandma in a K-fed wife-beater

And my personal favorite

4) The t-shirt and spandex LEGGINGS ensemble worn by the woman who
usually shows up looking like she just stepped out of the 80s.
Surprisingly enough, it's an improvement over the massive shoulder pads,
Laura Ashley dresses, giant hair bows, but not by much. I'm trying to
figure out a way to casually go over and see if the neck's been cut out
(a la Flashdance), so I'll keep you posted when I know something.

* Not implying anything about the dude's sexuality, believe me. It's a
quote; do you know where it came from?

1 comment:

Dr. Health said...

Surprisingly enough, it's an improvement over the massive shoulder pads.