Sunday, August 13, 2006

A song about Darren and Joanne

I keep getting emails and commments that there's more to the story of Darren Sherman, the guy who needed $50 to make Joanne holler (he gets paid to do the wild thing?).

Right, maybe not.

So the jist that I got from the rest of the blogs was that Darren's been kicked off of J-Date for "conduct unbecoming a J-dater" and that he's still threatening to sue the pants off of anyone who continues to make this story live on. I know you're thinking the same thing I am: it's the only way he's going to get in anyone's pants for a really long time!

The story of Darren, however, lives on in the music world, and you can find it by checking out David Kraut's Myspace Page. His default song (Liquid Sunshine) is pretty, but the one you're looking for is Do The Right Thing.

Thanks Raincoaster for the link!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're welcome. I, personally, can't believe this is still going on. I made a joke bet with who posted the story first; I said this would continue much longer than a week. That was about a month ago, and it's still getting more comments than anything else on my blog. Two people linked to my posts about it today. It's the third most popular entry on my blog.

Darren is, face it, never EVER gonna get laid again. He'll have to change his name to Louise and pretend to be a lesbian.