Tuesday, April 04, 2006


Tell me I’m not the only one who’s seen this…

I was watching FRIENDS last night on TBS, and this commercial came on for “The Lord of the Rings.” Programming note: apparently, they’re showing both Fellowship and Two Towers all this weekend.

The crazy thing is that instead of the typical “BOOM BOOM LOTR is so exciting with lots of action and killing things” commercial that I’ve always seen before, it was all these shots of Sam and Frodo accompanied by that cheesy 70s/80s song, “Secret Lovers.”

I was rolling. Has anyone else seen this?

UPDATE! You too can see the commercial at www.tbs.com


My Blog said...

Programming note: apparently, they’re showing both Fellowship and Two Towers all this weekend.

My Blog said...

Programming note: apparently, they’re showing both Fellowship and Two Towers all this weekend.