Wednesday, April 05, 2006

And this is how someone becomes a crazy cat lady...

For five years, I had one kitty. I adopted her because I couldn’t have a dog in my apartment, and I needed something to blame when stuff fell in rooms that I wasn’t in at the time. That was Minnie. Human 1: Cats 1.

When Julia and I moved into the Medfield house, Julia decided that the house was too big for one kitty. We went to the SPCA one night “just to look.” As I learned in college and should have remembered in May…one does NOT go window-shopping at the SPCA! Sookie came home, and the score was Humans 2: Cats 2.

When Julia moved to New York, Sookie didn’t make the cut. The official story was that “She’ll miss her sister too much.” Either way, we’re down to Humans 1: Cats 2.

That’s already dangerous territory, but last night, I believe I went over the edge. Last night, I learned that my idiot of a former neighbor is gutting his house. While the new place is uninhabitable and the old one is being rented, the boy and the dog from hell are living with the boy’s parents. The cat, however, is in lockup down at the local animal hospital. The renovations were supposed to last two and a half weeks but the contractor “found” extra items that means that the cat would be stuck there until the end of May.

While I realize that money is apparently no object for this guy (he spent $4,000 on a rental car because his insurance had a cap of $500 and he “didn’t think” to borrow a car from his parents when that ran out), you’d think that the mental stability of the animal would be of some concern to him. Actually, no, it probably wouldn’t be because this is the guy who took off to Mexico for two weeks with a crazy woman, called me the night before he left town to ask me to take charge of the cat, and NEVER TOLD ME WHEN HE WAS COMING HOME!

I think it’s cruel to leave a kitty in lock-up for 2.5 months, and, since the contractor has a reputation for being something of an “Eldon,” it could be longer. Therefore, as of tonight, the cat is coming to stay with me. **TEMPORARILY**. I’ve got a spy who’s going to tell me when the house is finished (because, Lord knows Jason won’t remember to) so that kitty can be dropped off in a timely manner. If the existing kitties react badly, new kitty’s going back into storage. For at least a week, however, the score will be Humans 1: Cats 3.

So yes, I drop a guy and pick up a temp-cat in the span of a few days. However, I am determined that my current cats to human ratio will NOT negatively impact my dating life!!

If I cling to that assertion, I’m not in danger of becoming a crazy cat lady, right?

1 comment:

My Blog said...

As I learned in college and should have remembered in May.