Wednesday, July 11, 2007


The best of the bunch.

Don't want to give anything away and ruin everyone elses' fun, but YES. HP5 was bloody good and totally worth escaping from work early for. I laughed, I cried, I hurl, sorry, wrong flick.

I have some concerns with what the omissions mean for the rest of the septology, but since the seventh book will be out by the time I get back from vacation, and it won't really matter by then, I guess I'll keep them to myself. If you want to know, email me.


Jon said...

Man, I'm really curious what they left out. This was my favorite of the books. Sooo much happens in this one, there's so much they could leave out... I'll definitely have to catch it this weekend.

Malnurtured Snay said...

That's the screenwriter's problem :)

I also loved the film, and agree with your assessment.