Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Independence Day

It's that time of year again....

Time for the country to take a breather, a time out, and celebrate a major accomplishment by blowing each other up with the pyrotechnic amateur hour.

Call it: Thanksgiving for the dangerous, if you will.

This year, we have much to celebrate in the world of independence. Scooter Libby is one step away from a presidential pardon. Paris Hilton is finally out of jail. Nicole Ritchie is finally going to eat again (we hope!!).

But I know that the real reason that we're all celebrating this year is because of the six little words my boss said to me yesterday:

Everything looks good; let's open the system.

For those of you not in IT, that means: The project from hell is officially done!!!

Photo by Flickr User: Kyle Walton

Yes, kids, my life can finally get back to normal. I can go out on a weeknight. I can resume my half-marathon training with gusto. I can make it back to the gym. I can go to bed not having worked a 14 hour day (like last week when I worked 50 hours of overtime). I can wake up at a normal time. I can eat real food again (again, last week: the pizza guy and I were on first-names and I gained 5 pounds). I can breathe. I can sing (karaoke!). I can take people up on their social invitations.

I can go on vacation.

I've even written a short play about it (ok, really, it wasn't me, but if you want to have a role, you'll say it was me).

Supportive Friend: Linds, that's awesome that your project is done. What are you going to do next?

Photo by Flickr User: JiminDestin

See, how hard was that?

I do want to sincerely thank each and every one of you for all your support over the last month and a half. For putting up with my spaciness, last-minute plan cancelling, late night emails, early departures, and (most of all) total lack of posting.

Updates are coming. Now that I have my life back, I'll have some fun and interesting things to say, I'm sure.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the accomplishment. Must have felt pretty good to have fireworks in celebration!

I've been working with the Baltimore Area Convention and Visitors Association with the launch of their brand new site, and wanted to see if you'd be interested in creating and posting a video about Your Baltimore. You are the Drama Duchess after all...

They are giving away $2007 for the best 'My Baltimore' video. The site doesn't officially launch until July 10th, but you can get it on it now (since you've got all that extra time to spare now).

Learn more or view a sample video at
Submit a video prior to July 10th:
Submit a video after July 10th:

Anonymous said...

Wow. Lisa sent me an email. How she does get around.

Would it be snotty to point out that your boss said seven words to you?

Re: independence: don't forget that there are still many people in DC who are unindicted, never mind in jail.

Congrats on finishing your project.