Thursday, July 05, 2007

Prom is totally gonna be awkward in two years

Mary Kay and her little pink car have struck again, this time in North Carolina. Important parts of the article included.

School: No Evidence Of Romance Before Teacher Married Student
POSTED: 9:09 am EDT July 5, 2007 WILMINGTON, N.C. --

There was no credible evidence of a romantic relationship between a 40-year-old high school science teacher and a 16-year-old student until the couple married, Brunswick County school officials say.

Brenton Wuchae was a cross country coach who mentored Windy Hager at South Brunswick High School. He resigned in mid-June, the same day he married Hager.

In November, South Brunswick High School Principal Vann Pennell directed Wuchae to cease all contact with Hager, noting that a lengthy list of phone calls and text messages with the student "did raise questions of poor judgment."

The school suspended Wuchae in May after finding that he had communicated with Hager at school. Both he and the teenager continued to deny a romantic relationship, the school board said.

Wuchae resigned and married Hager, who had recently finished her sophomore year as one of the school's top runners.

Hager's parents had approached both the school and authorities in hopes of ending the relationship. The Hagers have said they reluctantly signed a consent form allowing their daughter to marry her coach.

Yeah, I hardly know where to start on this one. Oh, wait, yes I do...

Those of us who work in education know the frustrations when a parent is completely and disgustingly uninvolved in their child's life. You know them as the people who bring the whole redneck family to graduation and then stand there dumbstruck, threatening to sue when the entire class has collected their diplomas and Alan's name was never called. They're also usually the people who don't figure out that Alan Allen was skipped until after Yerman Zimmerman has walked across the stage and the risk of eye injuries from flying caps increases significantly

Even worse are the parents who are aware, but are blissfully ignorant when the rules actually apply to their child. These are the people who demand that Junior's week-long absence be overlooked because, after all, it was only a little trip to Disney World, and his cousins who he wanted to go with couldn't go with weren't available during the first week of April, they were in school. Confidential to them: Next time dig up a dead aunt. We'll buy that one.

But in this case, these people were good parents. they recognized that there was a predator preying on their little girl, and they attempted to enlist the help of multiple authorities: the school, the board, and the local sheriffs' department among them. No one would help. The school saw enough cause to suspend Wuchae in May, but because both he and the girl "continued to deny a romantic relationship," no further action was taken. Honestly though, since this was the fourth case involving teachers and students at the school in the last year, don't you think that they may not have been the best people to investigate? I'm just saying.

The School Superintendent was doing a fine job of covering her (of-age) ass: "Prior to the surprise marriage, there was simply no credible evidence," said Katie McGee. Again, this is a woman who watched one teacher at the same school land himself on the sex offender registry earlier this year. Do you think she may have wanted to take a closer look?

In the end, the parents, the same parents who begged and pleaded with authorities to help them to no avail, weighed their options and reluctantly signed the consent form. while this may certainly seem shocking, it was actually a wise course of action. By allowing their daughter to marry her teacher (ew), they can probably keep her in school and in their lives. If they hadn't, she'd have disappeared in the middle of the night.

Eager to take a look at the "happy couple" (and admittedly see exactly what type of hottie on both sides it would take to encourage this type of marriage), I put Google to good use. When the photo was returned, I found myself even more disgusted than I already thought possible. It's not that he's a total dogface (which he is) and she looks like a little girl. It's the t-shirt...


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