Monday, September 04, 2006

How many band kids does it take...It's been a few days, but I finally have the time to talk about the class reunion. Which was, in a word, AWESOME. No, GP didn't end up bringing the Playboy model (or maybe she wasn't, the word's still out), which was actually a good thing because that meant that we could all talk without the distraction of a C-Lister in our midst.

Despite the drama involved in the days and weeks leading up to the reunion, things went off mostly without a hitch. Sure, apparetly the chick who originally dubbed herself "Reunion Chair" decided to launch a smear campaign on the planning committee and then never showed up, but that was really the dumbest thing that she could have done, period. Everyone who didn't already know about her found out real quick when the words "The Grate Steak" started getting bandied about. If she had just kept her mouth shut and shown up, believe me, no one would have said anything to or about her. The fact that she was calling people and telling them to wait for the "real reunion" was just well, wrong.

For the most part, everyone looks the same. A little older, a little bigger in the hips perhaps, but with the exception of Kelly T (who looks AWESOME), I was able to recognize pretty much everyone. Which is what makes my "Molly Ringwald" moment so funny. See, the first time around, my high school experience took place during the grungy-90s when baggy college sweatshirts and large flannel shirts seemed like such a good idea. Trust me, they weren't. So, there I am in this adorable, form fitting, skirt and top when Mary K. comes around the corner. She says something like, "I aways knew you had a figure, and I'm so proud of you for showing it off." Then, she started assuring me that she wasn't trying to pick me up, which probably meant that she was a tad toasted when she said it. I actually didn't think that at all because she's picked up a really cute boyfriend in the last 10 years. Sure he came from HS, but seriously Go Mary!! :)

All in all, good night, good friends, good everything. I can't wait for the next one -- just not at the Grate Steak.

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