Thursday, March 02, 2006

Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss

I arrived at Winfield Elementary school today to find quite the surprise awaiting me. Everyone was wearing these tall, striped hats reminiscent of a certain cat. I was starting to think everyone had lost it, but when I arrived in the library, there was absolutely no question as to what was going on.

It's Dr. Seuss' birthday!!!

I can still clearly remember when Dr. Seuss turned 80. All of us had little red and white striped hats and ate green eggs and ham topped off with birthday cake. The newspaper was there, and Julia, cute as ever, ended up being on the front page of the Metro section. My parents still have the clipping somewhere.

It's been over twenty years since that birthday celebration, and Theodor Geisel died in 1991. However Dr. Seuss lives on. When I graduated from high school, Chris gave me a copy of Oh, the Place's You'll Go! I read that book cover to cover multiple times during my freshman year of college, and Dad still hands out copies of it to every graduate that he's encountered since then. The Lorax was required viewing during my Environment 101 class. Frankly, it's lots of fun when you realize that you're watching cartoons the entire class period; not so much fun when you realize that you're going to be tested on the content.

So Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss, and Thank You. Thank you for the Cat, the Hat, the Eggs, the Ham, the Lorax, the Fish, the Grinch, Horton and all the places we went together.

1 comment:

Medical Blog said...

The newspaper was there, and Julia, cute as ever, ended up being on the front page of the Metro section.