Monday, January 22, 2007

Interesting Conversations

So, last Friday I got a call from my boss at the consulting firm.

"Lindsay," he said, "I want to come by on Monday and talk to you about new opportunity."

My first thought, of course, went to the bad. Did my boss at the school system want to get rid of me?

Nope, as it turns out this is a good thing. An excellent thing. A thing that anyone would be out of their mind not to jump at. And of course, I'm not out of my mind, so I'm looking forward to the formal part of applying for the opportunity to manage 70 people.

Yes, I said 70. 7-0. Seven-dash-zero. Seventy.

Kinda cool, huh? I mean, it's not mine yet, but besides the whole firing thing, I think I can totally do it. It's basically keeping people happy and making sure that they're doing what they're supposed to be doing.

Plus, there's a pretty darn good chance that I'll actually get business cards. Considering that I'm now on my second job since college and haven't seen a single card, that's a good thing. For Chrissake's, my sister ran away and joined the freaking circus, and got business cards. I think I'm due.

So, stay tuned; prepared to (possibly) get pretend-fired by me (a girl needs the practice), and wish me lots of luck as I move towards this new phase in my career!!!

That's all. What's next?


Becca said...

So exciting! You can totally do it and I'll even let you pretend to fire me while we're on a practice ghost tour. ;)

Jules said...

So proud of my big sister, but I'll hold my breath on the firing thing. Have you ever actually broken up with a boy?