Last night, I met Jason's new girlfriend. Oh my Lord, what on earth does he see in this crazy woman? Though she's pretty unfortunate looking, it's the personality that makes her completely undesirable to hang out with...
There's no mincing words...the girl is certifiable. Within 3 minutes of meeting her, she started talking about this lawsuit that she was involved in. Then, she wouldn't shut up about it for 3 hours. Apparently, her (now-ex) boyfriend sold her a house (for $500,000) and she didn't see the Home Inspection report before she settled. According to her, she kept asking about it, but he kept avoiding her on it. Three days after settling, he dumped her. Then, the roof caved in and there was $80,000 worth of damage.
So, she files a lawsuit and (surprise, surprise) the ex comes back. Then, he sends naked photos of her to a bunch of people in the Real Estate industry (including the neighbor). But she stays with him for a while longer, then dumps him and starts the lawsuit again.
Now, she's dating Jason and won't shut up about the damn lawsuit. She's also very clingy. In the three hours that Cassie and I were stuck in her company, she invited herself to Vegas and invited us to a Wizard's game and to her family's condo in Florida. I asked her if she had any friends in Baltimore, and she claimed she didn't b/c of her travel schedule. I'm suspecting it's because she's crazy.
She said one other thing that's bugging the hell out of me. She claims that her ex boyfriend has a hit out on her. Now, I'm not sure if she's lying to get attention, paranoid, or really does have a hit out on her, but any way you slice it, it's probably not a good idea for Jason to continue to see her.
Jason asked me (in front of her of course), for my opinion and I wouldn't give it. I'll wait for that when she's not there. I don't want her to go crazy on me thanks to a bad review!